Wie man Klebeaccessoires korrekt montiert – So hält’s wirklich!

Wie man Klebeaccessoires korrekt montiert – So hält’s wirklich!

Klebeaccessoires sind eine geniale Lösung für alle, die ihre Wände nicht anbohren wollen. Ob Handtuchhalter, Duschablagen oder Küchenrollenhalter – mit der richtigen Montage halten sie bombenfest. Doch oft liegt der...
Lukas Jung
Camperausbau: Dein Zuhause auf Rädern gestalten

Camperausbau: Dein Zuhause auf Rädern gestalten

Ein Camperausbau ist ein aufregendes Projekt, das viel Kreativität und Planung erfordert. Vom gemütlichen Schlafplatz bis hin zur funktionalen Küche – jedes Detail zählt. Der begrenzte Raum verlangt nach durchdachten...
Niclas Knabben
Hotelfeeling für Zuhause: So schaffst du dir Luxus und Komfort

Hotel feeling at home: How to create luxury and comfort

Who doesn't love coming home refreshed and inspired after a stay in a stylish hotel? So why not bring the hotel feeling into your own four walls? With the right...
Niclas Knabben
Ferienwohnungen richtig einrichten - So wird es einladend und funktional

Furnishing holiday apartments properly - How to make them inviting and functional

The furnishing of a holiday home is crucial to creating a place where guests immediately feel at home. In addition to comfort, functionality also plays an important role, as holiday...
Niclas Knabben
Designfabrik Hamburg Klebehaken Wandhaken ohne Bohren Selbtklebend

Adhesive hooks rethought

Adhesive hooks are small helpers with a big impact. They are easy to attach without drilling and offer countless possible uses. Our self-adhesive wall hooks are particularly modern and innovative,...
Niclas Knabben
Moderner Flur Trendfarben 2025

Trend Colors 2025: A Breath of Fresh Air for Your Home

The right colors can transform your four walls and create an inviting atmosphere. The color trends for 2025 offer exciting opportunities to bring personality and style into your own rooms....
Niclas Knabben
stillvoll eingerichtetes Badezimmer Handtuchhalter Seifenspender

The most common setup mistakes and how to avoid them

A beautifully furnished home is not just about expensive furniture or extensive renovations. It is much more important to avoid typical furnishing mistakes that can disrupt the feeling of well-being...
Niclas Knabben
Wohntrends 2025: Zeitloses Design für moderne Wohnräume

Living Trends 2025: Timeless Design for Modern Living Spaces

The living trends of 2025 combine clear lines, sustainable materials and smart technologies. Minimalism remains popular, but the focus is shifting more towards cozy and functional spaces. Warm design meets...
Niclas Knabben
Schmaler Flur mit passenden Möbeln, Garderobenleiste

Designing a narrow hallway: tips for inviting entrances

A narrow hallway can be a real challenge when it comes to making it functional and attractive. The entrance area is often the first impression visitors get of a home....
Niclas Knabben
modernes, saniertes Badezimmer Badsanierung

Costs of a bathroom renovation - How to achieve a big effect with little effort

Bathroom renovation is often one of the most complex renovation projects in a home. But with the right tips, you can keep costs low and still achieve impressive results. In...
Niclas Knabben
Badezimmerpflanzen: Die perfekte grüne Oase für dein Bad

Bathroom plants: The perfect green oasis for your bathroom

The bathroom is often a room that we use functionally without designing it in any special way. But with the right decoration, the bathroom can become a real oasis of...
Niclas Knabben
Gemütliche Wohnung im Winter

Cozy home furnishings in winter: How to turn your home into a feel-good oasis

When the days get shorter and the temperatures get colder, it's time to transform your home into a warm and cozy oasis of well-being. But how do you create an...
Niclas Knabben